Friday, June 21, 2019

ArtyBollocks Site: Random Artist's Statement

 (Above: Installation at the Whitechapel Gallery, by the curators of the Association of Students Sketch Club, around 1931.)

Let's say you have a gallery show. That's great! Now, the curator asks you to write an artist's statement about your work. Ya gotta do it. The patrons want it. It's the kinda thing people expect.

Ugh. Why do they want these kinds of things? You're a PICTURE person not a WORD person.

No problem. There is a fun site where at a click of a button, you can generate a random artist's statement.

Here's one:

My work explores the relationship between the tyranny of ageing and romance tourism. With influences as diverse as Nietzsche and Francis Bacon, new combinations are generated from both simple and complex layers.
Ever since I was a postgraduate I have been fascinated by the endless oscillation of the mind. What starts out as triumph soon becomes corrupted into a tragedy of power, leaving only a sense of dread and the prospect of a new synthesis.
As shimmering replicas become distorted through frantic and academic practice, the viewer is left with an insight into the darkness of our future. 

Go look.

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