Thursday, June 13, 2019

Editorial Cartoonists React to New York Times Dropping All Editorial Cartoons

Some cartoonist reactions below to the New York Times eliminating all editorial cartoons from its pages.

Here's a small collection of editorial cartoons put together by the American Association of Editorial Cartoonists, who add this warning:

"There's an old saying about newspapers: 'Don't pick a fight with someone who buys ink by the barrel.' You know who else has a lot of ink? Cartoonists"

Ann Telnaes (click to enlarge):

Clay Jones:

Liza Donnelly:

Ed Hall:

Kevin Siers:

Milt Priggee:

Randy Bish:

Jeff Parker:


AAEC President Kevin Siers' statement. 

CNN’s Jake Tapper: New York Times Decision to Scrap Cartoons ‘One More Nail in Coffin of Struggling Art Form’

Red Lines: NYT’s new policy: a sign of the strained relationship between journalism and cartooning


  1. Mike,
    Do you know of any online or physical petitions to register disagreement with the NYT decision? I subscribe to two papers, the Santa Rosa Press Democrat and the San Francisco Chronicle, but not the NYT. I'm not sure is an email or letter from a non-subsriber would carry much weight; a petition may be better. If there is one, perhaps you can provide a link.
    Keep up the good work - I appreciate all the news you include!
    Rob Spillane

  2. Hi RoB - I wish I knew of an online petition. If you hear of one, I would be glad to post about it here.

    Hi Jason - But of course. And congrats on being the new head of the NCS!
