Tuesday, July 02, 2019

Matt Bors: "The Nib publishes 800 comics a year, and we can't do it alone."

Matt Bors' The Nib, an online magazine by editorial and nonfiction cartoonists, has lost its primary business partner and is asking for help. This is on the heels of last week's firing of Michael de Adder, and the cessation of all political cartoons at the New York Times.

We are witnessing the death of a particular kind of cartoon, unless we can help.

From Matt Bors, editor of The Nib:

After three and a half years, First Look Media has decided to no longer fund The Nib at the end of July and me and my team will be let go as part of a broader shift at the company.

They are, however, working to hand the publication over to me so that I can continue The Nib. This will be a big shift, but I will be devoting all my time to continuing this publication with contributions from all the editors and cartoonists who have made this publication what it is.

Our membership program and print magazine will continue. You can sign up today to get our new Scams issue and support us through this transition.

We hear from readers of this newsletter every day who say it’s an important part of their day. Now your direct support is crucial; our only funds going forward will be those our members have pledged each month to support us.

I founded this publication almost six years ago to highlight political and non-fiction comics in a media environment that doesn’t support them. I refuse to walk away from this project or let it die after the successes of our last year. There are are too many of you who have expressed support and written to say how important it is to you.

So we’ll keep going. I need your support to do so.

Become a member of The Inkwell today to support our comics.

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