A 1964 Herblock cartoon naming African Americans as police targets of violence.
Pat Oliphant with an editorial cartoon of Los Angeles police officers beating African American Rodney King, 1992
Charles White’s 1946 cartoon “The Return of the Soldier” depicts a sinister collusion between an armed police officer and a Ku Klux Klansman.
Sam Milai’s “Police Brutality? . . Not Me!” appeared in the January 20, 1968 issue of the Pittsburgh Courier, calling attention to the continuing struggles of civil rights activists against local law enforcement.
White supremacist groups have made an organized and successful effort to infiltrate law enforcement agencies in the US. It's not just conspiracy. Here's the FBI's report on it during Dubya's presidency: http://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/402521/doc-26-white-supremacist-infiltration.pdf