Friday, January 15, 2021

Jack Kirby's Son on Seeing the MAGA Insurrectionists Wearing Captain America Shirts


Jack Kirby's son Neal Kirby on seeing the January 6th MAGA insurrectionists wearing Captain America shirts. Thanks to Jake Tapper for this.

 First, from his Twitter account, here's Jake:


"Neal Kirby, the son of Captain America co-creator Jack Kirby, was distressed to see some of the January 6 terrorists/rioters wearing shirts with versions of his dad’s creation corrupted by the image of the outgoing president. His message to them:"



CNN: The son of Captain America's co-creator says Capitol Hill rioters misrepresented the superhero


1 comment:

  1. A follower from Europe here:
    The videos of the event were really horrifying. They were also singularly strange, and at least some of them were thought-provoking. |
    Cartoons have helped cultivate in us an appreciation for, and interest in the unusual
    Let us keep the spirit of curiosity alive.
