Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Monday, March 29, 2021: When Comics Were Cancelled: Dr. Carol Tilley on Fredric Wertham


One of the great things about this time in history is that more and more events are being live-streamed. Case in point: this "The 1950s: When Comics Were 'Cancelled'" Zoom event on Monday night. Here's the scoop, and it's free:

"Comics historian Dr. Carol Tilley presents an in-depth, profusely illustrated analysis of the graphic images from 1954's notorious 'Seduction of the Innocent,' which claimed comic books were destroying American youth and which was written by anti-comics crusader Dr. Fredric Wertham, who largely succeeded in actually destroying the comics medium in midcentury America.

"Dr. Tilley is a one of the foremost authorities on Wertham. Her scholarship focuses on young people’s comics readership during the mid-20th century.

"This free online event is presented by Michael Dooley's 'Design History of Comics and Animation' course and ArtCenter Dialogues at ArtCenter College of Design."


I'm looking forward to it!



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