Friday, May 26, 2023

Sketchbook: Some Behind the Scenes Sketches for an Historical Comic Book

I think it's the first time in maybe 17 years since I took about ten days off from the blog here in the early part of this month. Sorry about that. Here's why.

It helped me to go full speed ahead in my studio and complete the final push for a new project.

The project, an historical comic book, is now ready to go to press. It's been a fascinating series of illustrations and I had just the greatest editor as well. My part is done now. I'll let you know more about it when it's printed.

I thought I'd show a fraction of the sketches I did. On some of them, you can see my thumb in the photo -- so you can see how small some of the drawings are. Again, these are all prelim sketches and not the finished art. I got to draw horses, prize shorthorn cattle, oxen, covered wagons, the Civil War, Gilbert Van Camp of Van Camp's Beans fame, Amsterdam, WW1, the Berlin Wall, the Vietnam War, newspaper vending machines, Abe Lincoln and Abe Lincoln's friend Will Cumback -- to name a few!


1 comment:

  1. Fantastic! Sounds like a great project, Mike. Can't wait to see it!
