Wednesday, August 23, 2023

All the Cartoons From LOOK Magazine July 15, 1969

LOOK Magazine, July 15, 1969.

This issue of LOOK Magazine has: a review "True Grit" by Gene Shalit (Gene liked it), "How Hippies Raise Their Children," and a photo-essay on 32 year old TV interviewer Dick Cavett.

And here are all of the cartoons from the July 15, 1969 issue. It's copyright 1969 Cowles Magazines and Broadcasting, Inc.

Ton Smits:

Eldon Dedini:

Bill Hoest:

British cartoonist Francis Wilford-Smith who signed his work "Smilby:"

Ed Fisher:

Herb Goldberg:

Another one by Bill Hoest:

John Ruge (Thanks to DD Degg for identifying the signature):

All the Cartoons from Look Magazine June 24, 1969 All the Cartoons from LOOK Magazine June 7, 1960
- This has been an edited version of a blog entry that originally appeared on June 3, 2014.


  1. the library one is pretty good

  2. Since Bill Hoest was a contract Playboy cartoonist at this time (and one of Hef's favorites), I suspect his library cartoon was originally pitched to Playboy and rejected.
