Thursday, August 01, 2024

The Garden As of August 1, 2024

Whatta morning. Internet out again, and then back and forth with my doctor's office about whether we should get our Covid shots before traveling to see family. now, the internet is back on and I don't need a new Covid booster yet, so ... PHEW! Here are some calming pics of the garden and flowers today. It's been HHH (hazy, hot and humid) and the flowers are loving it.

Here's the garden -- or rather the raised beds - as of today, August 1, 2024. 


This bed is full of zinnias (They were planted late and haven't bloomed yet.) and some wild Queen Anne's Lace.

There are two beds of blooming zinnias. I love zinnias. They bloom a long, long time. And the deer are not interested in snacking on them. The bed behind the wheelbarrow has nothing actually planted in it. That's some rye and grass growing in it that I should weed. I am thinking I may transfer the potted tomatoes to this bed.


 Zinnias, zinnias, zinnias!


 The tomatoes growing in pots on the side porch. 


Not too many flowers. And they aren't very bushy. That's why I'm thinking of transferring them to the raised bed.

OK. and now the flowers. We'll start with the Stargazer Lily and move along.


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