Sunday, September 01, 2024

The Garden As of September 1, 2024


The garden as of the 1st of September, 2024 is A+ on flowers but flunks when it comes to vegetables. This is because I planted the vegetables in a container garden on the porch and gave the boxes over to 4,000 zinnias. I did it because of the deer problem. For years, there was no deer problem, but I guess the food in the valley must have dried up and they were coming up the ridge. Already, I am saying I won't NOT put vegetables in the raised beds. But I better build a fence, like most all of my smart gardening neighbors have. 

A few more flowers.

Sad crop yield. The cucumbers died a week or two ago due to a cold snap.

A small money tree that got very book when I took it outside.

And here's the perennial garden that's overgrown. Time to weed. Here are some successive pics. 

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