Tuesday, July 31, 2012

All the Cartoons From LOOK July 19, 1960

Above: Ton Smits draws he "Light Side" header for LOOK Magazine.

Before he threw away the 50+ year old pile of magazines that had been sitting in his barn, Tom Sager has been scanning in the cartoons. Here are all of the cartoons from the July 19, 1960 LOOK Magazine, edited by legendary cartoon editor Gurney Williams.

Robert Day:

I can't make out the signatures on this one. I think it has an "R" in it:

Virgil VIP Partch:

Larry Reynolds with a heretofore unknown to me feature titles "Butch:"

Jack Tippitt:

The one and only Chon Day with a Brother Sebastian cartoon:

And here's a William Steig-drawn advert:

1 comment:

Eli Stein said...

That cartoonist is John A. Ruge. I checked out my copy of "Looking Over My Shoulder -- Cartoons from Look Magazine", edited by Gurney Williams and published by E.P.Dutton in 1965, and found quite a few of his cartoons in it. The signature matches exactly.