Thursday, November 09, 2006

Gag Cartoon Rejection and Persistence

Something I meant to mention in my October 20, 2006 entry:

Cartoonist Roy Delgado told me he's going to be in the Guinness Book of World Records. I laughed, but he pointed out that he's been submitting to the New Yorker since 1992. "That's 19,000 cartoons -- all rejected!"

He really has been in touch with the Guinness editors, and is serious about becoming the most rejected cartoonist. Which, really, he is not -- since a lot of those cartoons that are rejected by the New Yorker magazine do get sold to other major markets like Barron's, Reader's Digest, etc.

I guess the real question is: Why not quit? I mean, if you've been trying to scale a cartoony Everest for 14 years, without the payoff of actually summiting -- then why oh why keep trying?

A successful cartoonist is not necessarily smart, but he/she is persistent.

"I WILL be published in the New Yorker," states Roy.

(Above cartoon by Mike Lynch, rejected by New Yorker, bought by Harvard Business Review.)


Royston Robertson said...

Great story, Mike. I've linked to it. Keep us posted on how Roy gets on with his bid for infamy ;-)

Roy Delgado said...

Hi Royston,
You can follow add'l info on my quest to Mt. Everest ( The New Yorker ) and The people at Guiness Stout Brewery . .

Look up on Google

All the best, Roy Delgado

Roy Delgado said...

try here . . .

Roy Delgado said...

Google up:
for the latest.

Anonymous said...

I'm addicted to 'rejection'.