Sunday, January 18, 2009

Happy Birthday to Mike

Thanks to everyone who sent a note regarding my birthday today. Above is a card I received from an old friend (Howdy Parson!). He scanned in and presented me with a drawing I did as a kid way back during 1976. I am embarrassed by my old drawings. I have changed my style so much since then! (I hope!) Well , anyway, might as well take this occasion to make a private embarrassment public (before the Parson does).

I don't recall what the context is here. It looks like Mr. Peanut is in an art gallery, being insulted with a mediocre pun by a Don Martin-inspired fat guy. And I don't know why it's titled "a humourous cartoone" either.

I must be off to shovel some snow, and then settle back in to draw some cartoons all afternoon. Some things never change.


  1. Anonymous1:41 PM

    I like the drawing style in this cartoon, Mike. Looks more like the New Yorker style ;-)

  2. Happy Belated Birthday!

    Thank you for sharing the cartoon you did as a kid. Makes me wish I still had my journal from the 5th grade (91-92 school year) - did a lot of drawings in it.

  3. You must have been reading those old books of prints by Cruikshank or Ben Franklin.

    The style could pass, in an extremely po-mo "Fort Thunder" or Gary Panter in "Raw" kind of mode. Trouble is, you need to invent the persona to pass it off. (I suggest an elfin Andy-Warhol type)

  4. Thanks for the kind words, all.
