Sunday, March 29, 2009

Maine Comics Arts Festival: Who's There?

We're eight weeks away from the Maine Comics Arts Festival, which will be held in Portland, Maine on Sunday, May 17, 2009. It's been described at Northern New England's answer to SPX or MoCCA Fest or APE or SPACE.

This will be an opportunity for many local creators to show their comics, books, and other items. If you're into literary comics, graphic novels, mini comics or Web comics, then you've heard of some of these people. You'll get to meet these cartoonists, meet them, and, if you like, buy some of their work directly from them. There will be no comic book dealers at the day-long event.

I was glad to see Joe Staton on the list. Joe is a journeyman comic book artist whose work spans many superhero books through the years. I still have my copy of E-MAN that I bought at my local 7-11 store back when I was a kid in Lawrence, KS.

Anyway, I was reading Rick Lowell's excellent MECAF blog. Rick is the man who has put this together, and he runs the local Casablanca Comics shop. I cut & pasted & alphabetized the names from the his blog entries, creating a one-stop master list of the 48 cartoonists and studios.

The list below includes both featured guests, as well as cartoonists who paid for a table. I've checked and double-checked it for accuracy, but if you see something wrong, please tell me.

American Stronghold - Jeff Lok, Dane Martin
& barekpublishing

Atomic Pulp - Christopher Mills

Gabrielle Bell

Marek Bennett

Ben Bishop

The Boston Comics Roundtable

Becky Cloonan

Corbett Features - Barry Corbett and Brian Codagnone

Michael Connor

Sam Costello

Dandelion Studios - Rick Silva & Gynn Stella Silva

Alexander Danner

Nate Doyle

Franklin Einspruch

Austin English

Faux-Pas Industries (Sam Gaskin and Dane Martin)

Chuck Forsman

Colleen Frakes

Free Lunch Comics - Matt Ryan, Steve Kanaras
& Steve Kuster

Zack Giallongo

Chris Giarrusso

Sarah Glidden

Mark Gonyea

David Jacobson

John Klossner

Lucy Knisley

Cathy Leamy

Mike Lynch

Dan Mazur

Juana Medina

Dave Naybor

On the Fly Publications - Dan Fleming and Chris Beckett

Jennifer Omand

Jeff Pert

Stephanie Piro

Jay Piscopo

Mark Ricketts

Joel Rivers

Aya Rothwell

Sarah Searle

Christina Siravo

Kean Soo

Joe Staton

Matt Talbot

Trees and Hills Comics Group

The Underburbs - Joe Haley and T.J. Dort

Jen Vaughn

Julia Wertz


  1. Great, another cool Comic Art festival that I can't attend.

    I'll go cry in the corner now :D

  2. Mike, It was awesome of you to do the work necessary to post this. It's a great primer for the event. I'll check out some of these creators online before I go to the show. Should be a kick!

  3. Seriously, that's just a fantastic way to put that together, but how long did that take? Wowzers!

    Goodness I wish I could be there. CURSE YOU GLOBAL RECESSION!!!!

  4. Hi Mike. Thanks for adding our banner... and for keeping up with this fantastic blog. Don't know how you find the time to do all this work. Hope to see you at the Expo!

  5. I can't wait for this. I haven't been to a comics event since moving to Maine two and a half years ago. I look forward to meeting you!

  6. Yeah, Nick, growing up in small Iowa and Kansas towns, it was AGONIZING to hear about cartoony events hundreds of miles away from me. Thank goodness for the Internet! And the next time I'm in Shreveport or New Orleans, I'll let you know! We'll have our own MECAF. The "M" will be for Monroe, my friend!

    Lenny, Mark, Barry, John: thanks for your kind words.

    The great news from Rick Lowell is that there are more guests to come!

  7. I was working on the guest list today and it seems as if we will have more than 70+ creators exhibiting at the festival. Thanks for everyone's support.

  8. Nice to see us all up and that people are excited! I'm excited!
