Thursday, September 17, 2009


Above: a 1918 advertisement for CAP STUBBS AND TIPPIE by Edwina Dumm.

The Yesterday's Papers blog showcases a 1937 Evening Gazette (Xenia, OH) portrait of cartoonist Edwina Dumm.
"Edwina, the petite young artist who draws 'Cap Stubbs and Tippie,' a daily comic strip, that appears in the Gazette, is one of the few successful cartoonists of her sex.

"When her identity is revealed to anyone who has studied her work, the usual comment is 'Impossible. A girl couldn’t draw, convincingly, about boys and dogs.'"

Hat tip to Comics Reporter.

1 comment:

  1. She was good.

    I noticed that the copy beneath the "Live Wire Companions" ad referred to her as "the Phil May of American boydom," and I do see a stylistic resemblance.

    The mostly forgotten Mr. May is the source of my favorite quote about cartooning. When an editor who didn't think he was getting his money's worth told May his drawings should have more lines, he replied, ""When I can leave out half the lines I now use, I shall want six times the money."
