Thursday, September 17, 2009

LETTERS FROM CAMP with Cartoons by Syd Hoff

LETTERS FROM CAMP by Bill Adler (author of KIDS' LETTERS TO PRESIDENT KENNEDY), with cartoons by Syd Hoff, a Macfadden-Bartell Book, New York, NY. Copyright 1961 by Mssrs. Adler and Hoff.

Here are all of the illustrations Mr. Hoff drew for this popular and well-worn paperback.

The drawings are described as "cartoons" in the indicia for the book, not illustrations.


  1. Thanks for recalling this old classic to mind. Hoff's books were almost as popular as the Peanuts paperbacks way back when.

  2. Mike...this is one of Syd's book I do not have. Thanks for sharing... Carol, Syd's niece -

  3. Syd Hoff was probably my FIRST inspirations (though I didn't really realize it at the time) that would lead me at age 30 to become a cartoonist.
    When I was a kid I always loved "Danny and the Dinosaur" because it was a great story, and it included my first name. I love that book, and always read it to all of my own kids.
