Friday, April 28, 2017

Mike Lynch Sketchbook Friday

Some sketches I drew from the past couple of weeks.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Dick Buchanan's Cartoon File: Inkyfellers' Gagzette

Here is another great glimpse into the world of the freelance gag cartoonist from back in its heyday courtesy of Dick Buchanan:



INKYFELLERS’ GAGZETTE was one of several “insider publications” which appeared in the 1950’s and 1960’s. Based on the West Coast, it was published by veteran trade journal cartoonist Lew Card. It contained contributions from several cartoonists, some of who were “heavy hitters” in the field. Glenn R. Bernhardt clients included Collier’s, The Saturday Evening Post and other major magazines. Jack Tippit was well on his way to becoming National Cartoonist Society’s two-time Gag Cartoonist of the year (1963 and 1966) and Gag Panel Cartoonist of the year in 1970. Carl Kohler provided some of the artwork, as well. He would later take over the publication, renaming it INKYFELLERS’ DIGEST.

Although trade journals and house organs paid but $5 to $10 per cartoon, some made a living in the field and others were able to gain valuable experience as they worked their way up the cartooning ladder. Note that Bob Weber and Morrie Turner advertised for gags herein.

The goal would be making $100 a week, not impossible and, believe it or not that was not bad money in those days.

As was typical at this time, this publication offered “How to” pamphlets on various aspects of cartooning for beginners. Some other publications sold cartooning supplies, light boxes, rapidograph pens, and such.

Here is a glimpse into the long gone world of trade journal cartooning.

More of Dick Buchanan's great gag cartoon collection:

Dick Buchanan's Cartoon File: The Years of Al Ross - 1947 – 1968

Dick Buchanan's Cartoon Files: New Yorker Cartoonists Abroad 1966-1968

Dick Buchanan's Cartoon File: 1945 - 1962 

From the Dick Buchanan Files: "How I Create Humor" from 1950s - 60s Gag Cartoon Insider Journal "The Information Guide"

Dick Buchanan's Cartoon File: 1950s Color Magazine Gag Cartoons

Dick Buchanan's Cartoon File: Funny Vintage Magazine Gag Cartoons 1946 - 1963

Dick Buchanan's Cartoon File: Wordless Gag Cartoons 1944-1964

1953 George Booth Drawings for American Legion Magazine

Dick Buchanan: Winter/Christmas/Holiday Gag Cartoons 1940s-60s

Dick Buchanan: Some PUNCH Magazine Cartoons 1948-1963

Dick Buchanan: Gag Cartoon Clip File 1946-64

Dick Buchanan: Gag Cartoon Clip File 1947-62

Dick Buchanan: Some Favorite Magazine Gag Cartoons 1940-60s

Dick Buchanan: Gag Cartoon Clip File 1931-64

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Rube Goldberg Pinbacks

Some small collectable pins from the 1910s-20s by Rube Goldberg.

Below: a couple of Taft presidential campaign pins:

Below: "Lead Me To It:"