Thursday, December 01, 2016

Dick Buchanan: Winter/Christmas/Holiday Gag Cartoons 1940s-60s

Hey, happy December 1st. And here is the first gift of the season: a batch of holiday-themed cartoons from my friend Dick Buchanan. He's found them and scanned them and now, here they are: seventeen little gag cartoon gems that may not have seen the light in decades. 

Thanks so much, Dick!

GEORGE BOOTH. In 1953 Booth did monthly spot illustrations for the American Legion Magazine’s “Parting Shots” humor page. American Legion Magazine, December,1953

PHIL INTERLANDI. Look Magazine, December 14, 1963

BEN ROTH. Ben was the elder of the four cartooning Roth brothers--Al Ross,
Irv Roir and Salo Roth. American Magazine, January, 1944

CHARLES PEARSON. The Saturday Evening Post, 1950’s.

DICK ERICSON. American Legion Magazine, December, 1952

ROBERT DAY. American Legion. December, 1953.

JAN & STAN BERENSTAIN. The Saturday Evening Post, 1950’s

VIRGIL PARTCH. True Magazine, December 1949

JEFF KEATE. American Magazine, January,1950.

ELDON DEDINI. Look Magazine, December 24, 1959

CHON DAY. The Saturday Evening Post, 1960’s

TOM HENDERSON. Then as Now Dept: Tom Henderson depicts the fate that befalls many a traveling relative during the holidays. American Legion Magazine, March,1953

BARNEY TOBEY. The Saturday Evening Post, 1950’s

FRITZ WILKINSON. The Saturday Evening Post,1950’s

TOM HUDSON. Did Hudson’s artificial snow seller spawn the waif hawking real snow by Charles Addams? (New Yorker, Jan 1, 1974) From Collier’s, December 21,1946

BARNEY TOBEY. Mr. Tobey again, confirming many suspicions. Look Magazine, December 24, 1959

JOSEPH MIRACHI. Look Magazine, December 31, 1963

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