The Cartoonist: a quarterly published by the National Cartoonists Society, 140 West 57th Street, New York 19, N. Y.
If you Google Map this address, you get:

Oh well, back to the mag:

Mort Walker edited THE CARTOONIST, with Bill Yates as Assistant Editor.

The 1953 NCS Board:
BOARD OF GOVERNORS: Rube Goldberg, Honorary President; Otto Soglow, President; Bob Dunn, First Vice President; Willard Mullin, Second Vice President; John Pierotti, Treasurer; McGowan Miller, Secretary; Carl Rose, General Membership Representative; EXECUTIVE COUNCIL: Martin Banner, Ernie Bushmiller, E. Simms Campbell, Milton Caniff, Past Pres., Fred Cooper, Walt Disney, Albert Dorne, Ham Fisher, Hal Foster, Harold Gray, Jimmy Hatlo, Harry Hershfeld, Bill Holman, Walt Kelly, Frank King, Bill Mauldin, George MacManus, Willard Mullin, Russell Patterson, Past Pres., Alex Raymond, Past Pres., Mischa Richter, C.D. Russell, Frank Willard, George Wunder, Chic Young.

Fred Waring was a great fan and friend of cartoonists.

He had a huge place in Pennsylvania and he would send a bus to Times Square for all the NCSers to get aboard and hang out at his place. Mel Casson helped start the annual visit to Waring's Shawnee Golf Resort. More here, at the Penn State Fred Waring's America site.
Back to the magazine:

Evert cartoonist should wear a hat and smoke a pipe ala Ed Dodd and Walt Kelly!

-- Edited from a March 26, 2009 blog entry.
Man, Kinsey was a big deal back then!
Anyway here's a shot of 140 West 57th Street in NYC via the Streets iOS app. It's now a Morton Williams supermarket. http://joecab.link/140w57th
Really miss those days when we non-members could send
Marge Devine a letter and a check and get back issues.
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