Thursday, October 29, 2020

Mike Lynch Cartoons at CartoonCollections

You know that I have a bunch of cartoons over at Bob Mankoff's Cartoon Collections site that are available for businesses to buy for presentations, newsletters, etc. Here are a few that have sold in the past couple of months. It's always interesting to see what has made some money. You never know what someone else will find funny and appropriate. 

As a person who worked as a temp way back in the 90s, there is a them-and-us attitude for sure. Poor Thompson! I think this was one of the first 100 cartoons I drew after quitting to go cartooning full time.


This cartoon originally appeared in BBC Music Magazine.

Some really bad inspirational posters from a cartoon that originally appeared in Harvard Business Review:


This first appeared at the job hunting site The Ladders.


Why did his parents do this? Because they can. A mean cartoon! 


Another that first appeared in HBR. 

Ha ha. I just noticed the old TV on the TV stand there. This needs to be updated! Nevertheless, it was a sale. 

Hard to read due to the watermark, but the fellow on the left has his "Walk For Cancer" shirt on and the woman next to him has a "Walk Against Cancer" shirt. I liked this when I drew it and never dreamed that I could sell it. Go figure! It was even submitted to one of these "rejected cartoons" books' editor, who rejected it! Ha ha.


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