Wednesday, October 28, 2020

The Many Uses of Mike Lynch Cartoons


The saddest thing is waking up and seeing that the woodstove has gone out during the night. Above you can see how dark and cold it looks. (That's the cats' water below to the lower left. Their "hearth water," which they like a lot. They drink a bowl a day. Go figure.)

I didn't have much newspaper laying around to help get a new fire started, but I did have a big pile of drawings from last week's how to cartoon class. 

So ... I found out that cartoons can serve many uses! And in a pinch, they can keep you warm. After all, it's an ephemeral art, isn't it?


  1. Thank goodness for cartoons!!! Do you live in a log cabin in the wilderness?

  2. I live in the foothills of the White Mountains,so ... yeah, pretty much.
