Friday, November 30, 2018

In Memory of "Lofty: Cannon: the Man Who Saved Ronald Searle's Life

Henry Judge Cannon (‘Lofty’ to his mates -- nicknamed because he was so tall -- and ‘Harry’ to his family) served in WWII and spent time as a prisoner-of-war working on the infamous Thai-Burma Railway. As a medic at the camp, he treated the famous British satirical cartoonist Ronald Searle.

Upon returning home Lofty’s mental health took a turn for the worse. He spent many years at Bundoora Repatriation Hospital until his death in 1980. Lofty was involved in setting up the patient magazine ‘Outlook’ and establishing the book exchange program. The hospital is now Bundoora Homestead Art Centre.

When Lofty Cannon passed away, his family discovered a trove of drawings by Searle. These were drawings of the camp, as well as Lofty himself, all drawn by Ronald Searle. Searle credited him with saving his life. 

Matt Jones has more at his Ronald Searle blog Perpetua.

1 comment:

Lisa Resnick said...

This videos is very informative.It's very helpful.Thanks for sharing.