Tuesday, January 09, 2024

The 2023 "Name a Snowplow" Contest


 From my Instagram on late Monday:

"End of day and it’s been snowing all day long. Got at least a foot. Shoveled the porch and a path to the birdfeeder twice. Didn’t make sense to do a big clean up while it was still snowing. Fingers crossed my snowblower fires up tomorrow morning. It’s a lot of snow, dang it. Better cross my toes too."


"Clearing up. Thank goodness I got the snowblower to start. Got a foot of snow, with another 6 inches coming tomorrow night. Winter is here."

And with more snow, that means more snowplows on the road. And what are the names of these snowplows? In Massachusetts, there was a contest to name them. The Boston Globe has the story:

"When the snow falls, the Snolar Express, Glacier Gobbler, and 10 other student-named snow plows will be ready.⁠

"The state transportation department announced the winners of the 2023 'Name A Snowplow' contest with submissions from elementary and middle school classrooms across Massachusetts."⁠

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