Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Charles Schulz PEANUTS Butternut Bread Advertising Art
The Attempted Bloggery blog shows us what seems to be every bit of promotional art by Charles Schulz from the Butternut Bread promotions through the 1960s and early 70s. Most all of this was specially done and it's a trove of unseen PEANUTS art. I'm sorry I missed it when it was posted a year ago. Glad I stumbled on it this morning.
All the Cartoons From LOOK July 19, 1960
Above: Ton Smits draws he "Light Side" header for LOOK Magazine.
Before he threw away the 50+ year old pile of magazines that had been sitting in his barn, Tom Sager has been scanning in the cartoons. Here are all of the cartoons from the July 19, 1960 LOOK Magazine, edited by legendary cartoon editor Gurney Williams.
Robert Day:
I can't make out the signatures on this one. I think it has an "R" in it:
Virgil VIP Partch:
Larry Reynolds with a heretofore unknown to me feature titles "Butch:"
Jack Tippitt:
The one and only Chon Day with a Brother Sebastian cartoon:
And here's a William Steig-drawn advert:
Monday, July 30, 2012
Overheard at Market Basket
Sometimes I overhear things and they stick with me. So I draw them up.
I overheard this older gentlemen ranting to a captive audience (a Market Basket grocery store employee, who was busy shelving).
I listened to as much as I could. I think it's about the BATMAN movie shooting. The "take him out back and have done with it" was damn chilling.
This isn't a cartoon; more like a slice of life kinda event. I hear this kind of raging hate, fueled with wrong statistics (Canada has more gun crime), routinely.
Micron Pigma and watercolor on 110 lb. recycled drawing paper.
And, below, the raw scan of my sketchbook page:
Jerry Bittle: "It is a silly job for a grown man ..."
Cartoonist Jerry Bittle (1949-2003), who drew the comic strips GEECH and SHIRLEY AND SON, is remembered in this article by Beccy Tanner for the Wichita Eagle.
Jerry describes himself as student in Wichita:
“In school while other kids took notes and doodled in the margins, I doodled and took notes in the margins. If I had taken more notes and less doodles, I might have been able to get a real job. Instead, I ended up as a cartoonist … It is a silly job for a grown man, but somebody’s got to do it. It might as well be me.”
Read more here: http://www.kansas.com/2012/07/30/2427278/creator-of-geech-comic-strip-grew.html#storylink=cpy
Tom Armstrong: 30 Years of MARVIN
Above: Tom Armstrong at work on a MARVIN Sunday page. Photo by Richard Dymond for the Bradenton Herald.
Tom Armstrong reflects on his career in this profile written by Richard Dymond. All this week, to honor MARVIN's 30th anniversary, the baby Marvin will meet the 30 year old Marvin.
"I decided to show Marvin at 30 because people continually ask me if Marvin is ever going to grow up," Armstrong said with a smile. "So, I wanted to do it just for awhile. I think he looks pretty handsome. But after the series he will go back to being age two."
On cartooning:
Read more here: http://www.bradenton.com/2012/07/30/4134437/its-been-a-fun-30-year-romp-through.html#storylink=cpy
"There are only 200 people in the world who make a living producing syndicated daily cartoon strips. What's really unbelievable to me is that I am one of those 200, am doing what I love and it's paying the bills."
The entire story is here.
Read more here: http://www.bradenton.com/2012/07/30/4134437/its-been-a-fun-30-year-romp-through.html#storylink=cpy
All the Cartoons From SUCCESSFUL FARMING December 1964
John Gallagher, who received the National Cartoonists Society Division Award for Gag Cartooning in 1957 and 1971, knocks this one outta the park. A great gag. From the December 1964 issue of SUCCESSFUL FARMING. Yes, you NEW YORKER snooty cartoon snobby types with your nose in the air, there was a magazine titled SUCCESSFUL FARMING. And, like so many mags of its day, the blessed publication had cartoons.
Friend of the Mike Lynch Cartoons blog Tom Sager reaches deep into his pile of musty magazines to come up with an issue of SUCCESSFUL FARMING. Here are all of the cartoons (all 3) from an issue from the December 1964 issue.
The rest of the cartoons were drawn my Larry Harris, a fellow I can find nothing about online. I've never seen his cartoons before. Perhaps he was a niche market seller.
Friday, July 27, 2012
Shipping August 2012: RACONTEUR #2
Above: The cover to RACONTEUR #2 by Jeff Pert.
Preorder the second issue! I just talked with the printer and the book is scheduled to be out in the next ten days.
My thanks to all of you who have all ready preordered the book. It will be shipped to you via first class mail the same day I get it.
RACONTEUR is a comic book with new autobiographical stories by cartoonists who usually draw those single panel gag cartoons like you see in The New Yorker, Reader's Digest, Down East Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, etc.
Artists this issue: David Jacobson, John Klossner, Mike Lynch and Jeff Pert. 20pp, color cover, B&W interior, 8.5" x 5.5," staple bound.
Remembering Dogpatch USA
Alex Flippin remembers the local "Dogpatch USA" theme park in today's Madison County Record.
A popular theme park in its day, based on the then-popular LI'L ABNER comic strip. Now, both are gone. The park has been abandoned.
What got me thinking about Dogpatch was a conversation I recently had concerning ghost towns. A subject that almost immediately made its way to a discussion about Dogpatch. I'd known that the bulk of the park still existed and very much in ghost town fashion. From what I understood, it would not be too outlandish to visit the once bustling park only to run into Scooby and the gang trying to solve a mystery. I mean, an abandoned and dilapidated theme park? That's just the proper amount of spooky to peak my curiosity.
The entire story is here. Alex is going to be blogging more about the Park as he goes to visit it. And he asks if you have any memories then to send them on to him.
Home movies of DOGPATCH USA
All of the Cartoons From December 1962 McCALL'S Magazine
Above: a holiday-themed cartoon with a clueless boy by Jerry Marcus.
Once again, Tom Sager reaches into the stack of magazines that have been sitting in his barn for fifty years and scans some cartoons. This time, we get to see all of the cartoons from the December 1962 issue of McCALL'S.
Robert Day:
Reg Hider:

Stan and Jan Berenstain recount "The Tree:"
And here's Jerry Marcus once more:
More? Yes there's more:
All of the Cartoons From April 1962 McCALL'S Magazine
All of the Cartoons From August 1962 McCALL'S Magazine
All of the Cartoons From March 1963 McCALL'S Magazine
FAMILY WEEKLY May 29, 1960
A final hat tip to Tom Sager, who wrote to tell me he liked my blog and wanted to contribute. Thanks again, Tom!
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Did you know there was a LIBERTY MEADOWS TV Pilot? I sure didn't til now.
Drawn by Frank Cho and animated by Powerhouse Animation, here's the first 2 minutes fifteen seconds of it:
Drawn by Frank Cho and animated by Powerhouse Animation, here's the first 2 minutes fifteen seconds of it:
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
This Strip Should Have Been Pulled
Today's BROOM HILDA by Russell Myers
Copyright 2012 Tribune Media Syndicate.
Hat tip to Tom Spurgeon.
Copyright 2012 Tribune Media Syndicate.
Hat tip to Tom Spurgeon.
All of the Cartoons From August 1962 McCALL'S Magazine
Above: a cartoon by George Wolfe. Note how just the outline of the house roofline conveys the sense of place economically.
Before Tom Sager throws out the smelly old pile of magazines that have been in the barn for fifty years, he's scanning in the cartoons specifically to share here.
I'm grateful to Tom since these are magazine titles that don't necessarily come to mind when thinking about 1960s gag cartoon markets.
Let's begin with Stan and Jan Berenstain, who did "It's All in the Family," a regular series for McCall's that was reprinted in many books during the decade:
Ed Dahlin:
Jerry Marcus pokes fun at teens in this feature I had not heard of until today titled "Our Julie:"
FAMILY WEEKLY May 29, 1960
Above: detail from a Syd Hoff-illustrated advertisement.
A short blog entry, but a there are a couple of hidden treasures ...
From Tom Sager, who is going through a stack of old, musty magazines and giving the cartoons a quick scan before tossing. He's doing this all for us here at the blog. Thanks again, Tom!
Here's Tom:
As you probably know Family Weekly was a magazine that came with the newspaper on Sunday. It only had one cartoon by Al Kaufman but it had a nice Rambler ad by Sid Hoff. The car looked like a shoe box but I wouldn't mind having one now (especially at that price).
Here's that Al Kaufman cartoon:
Here's the Syd Hoff ad:
Here's the Syd Hoff detail from the ad:
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
All of the Cartoons From April 1962 McCALL'S Magazine

Above: a gag cartoon that works just as well today as it did in 1962 by William Von Riegen.
Scanned in from a rapidly decaying pile of magazines stored in a Pennsylvania barn for fifty years, here are all of the cartoons from the April 1962 issue of McCALL'S Magazine. A heartfelt tip of the hat to Tom Sager for scanning in all of these cartoons from these musty mags.
Here's the regular "It's All In the Family" feature by Stan and Jan Berenstain:
Ed Dahlin:
Leo Garel:
George Wolfe:
Charles Skiles:
All of the Cartoons From March 1963 McCALL'S Magazine
Monday, July 23, 2012
Sketchbook: Catskills Irish Arts Festival 2012

Above: a group of young musicians on the main stage.
The Catskills Irish Arts Festival is a week-long celebration of Irish music in East Durham, NY. The entire town is invaded by hundreds of musicians and traditional Irish music fans from all over the world. There are classes during the week in fiddle, flute, and other Irish musical instruments. All of the hotels and pubs have impromptu sessions every night.
Since my wife plays and I do not, I tend to people watch.
Here are a few of the sketches I did from CIAW 2012:
The above trio performed together. Below: the audience was young and old.
A lot of people walking around with instrument cases:
Love this flutist's wild hair:
A rather dour look on the keyboard player's face:
Watching the performers:
Love this banjo player's hair-and-sunglasses look:
This man danced with his baby, who wasn't too sure about all this Irish music:
Two guys chatting at the end of the last concert on the last day:
Here's a woman with her "Shut Up and Play" t-shirt:
Gotta buy a t-shirt:
Performers were old and young. Here's a fellow in his 20s who had an amazing voice:
Loved this guy's 'fro:
Raw scans of these drawings from the sketchbook:
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