Sunday, August 20th was the reception for
THIS INKING LIFE, a new gallery show of original cartoon art. The event was well attended, and the wine and champagne and cheese flowed. Well, the runny cheese flowed, I mean.
Here are a few photos from the event for your perusal.
Here I am, trying (unsuccessfully) to look thoughtful while
Mad Magazine editor Sam Viviano leans on me and strikes a pose for the camera.

And here's Rina Piccolo -- she of
TINA'S GROOVE -- and next to her is that Mad Magazine icon
Mort Drucker. They'll both be part of a panel about the art of cartooning at 6:30pm Wednesday, September 13th at the Great Neck Arts Center. Stan Goldberg of Archie, and animator Howard Beckerman are scheduled to join in the discusssion that evening. Mark it on the calendar and for goodness sake come on in and see these icons of cartooning.
But if you can't, there's another one on the 16th. More information

Here are two of the big league double syndicated pros: the aforementioned Rina Piccolo, and Bunny Hoest Carpenter.
With John Reiner's assist, Bunny produces 2 syndicated panels:
THE LOCKHORNS, in the papers every day, and
HOWARD HUGE, seen in Parade Magazine every Sunday.

Hy Eisman. Hy did work for many comic book compnaies, including Marvel, Charlton and Western Publishing. From 1967 to 1983 Hy drew Jimmy Hatlo's LITTLE IODINE. Twenty years ago he took over the world's longest running comic strip
POPEYE to his workload. On top of all this, he's an instructor at
the Joe Kubert School! I was glad to see Hy. Nice to know he could make the time!

IT'S ALL ABOUT YOU cartoonist, and my fellow Brooklynite, Tony Murphy and his girlfriend Sina and, well, there's that Rina poking her face in again!
IT'S ALL ABOUT YOU now has a new Web site where you can follow the strip every weekday.

Here's Gerry Mooney and Don Orehek.
Gerry is an animator, a designer, as well as a cartoonist. He's allowed all of us a peek at his terrific graphic novel at his
site. Gerry is also known for his
gravity poster.
Don Orehek, the one and the only. I see the guy's work in joke books, in Cracked Magazine and Playboy. He's one of the best gag cartoonists out there, and just an all around great guy period!

And here is Mort Drucker, laughing at what, I don't remember. By the look on my face it was at my expense!

Here are a few of the cartoonist participants in THIS INKING LIFE. From left: Stan Goldberg, John Reiner (dig that shirt!), Art Cumings, Mike Lynch, and Mort Drucker.

We were calling out for cartoonists to join us in a nice, distinguished group portrait. Mort went hunting and gathering for more. Some new faces wandered in: Bunny Hoest, smiling to the camera, Sandy Kossin and Tony Murphy.

Chaos ensued, with a crush of cartoonists and photographers. You can't get cartoonists organized. Oh, you can try, but I do not think you would be successful.