I COULD BE DREAMING is a collection of single panel cartoons by Chon Day, copyright 1945 by Robert M.McBride & Co. The dedication reads:

A lot of my favorite cartoons are about "the moment just before all hell breaks loose." I love the resigned look on the parents' faces as they prepare to passively face the inevitable.

Above: this would not get published today. I thought it was really funny. You can certainly imagine this as drawn by Addams.

Day's people are anti-establishment, and some then have had enough and are ready to fight back -- whether with guns or little signs on the solar plexus.

"Keep an eye on him -- I think he's got a frock full of snowballs."
Shades of Brother Sebastian, nine years before his initial appearance in the Saturday Evening Post!

Above: one's feverish imagination works overtime to imagine what the above couple is doing Saturdays.

"One more thing -- keep out of the way of his right and his left."
Sound advice.

Above: the wordless gag is the hardest to do. Here's another Chon Day character who is at the breaking point -- for what reason we do not know. Her taking taking solace in a good, big swig made me laugh out loud. I can see this running today as a comment on the cost of the war.

I like Day's minimalism. In the background, you can really only make out 2 faces, the rest are curved lines. An economical and effective choice to show a stadium full of spectators.

Above: another cartoon that would fluster a nervous editor. And another cartoon that you can imagine Addams drawing. What are they going to do with this pet???

"I want to buy a doll that doesn't do anything."
Chon Day's characters have had enough, and they want some peace, thank you very much.

Mr. Day is one of those people who just draws the outline of the pants and the shoe. Another cartoonist who draws like that: Sergio Aragones.

Just like the couple who has those Saturday nights where you can only imagine what happens, you have to provide the b-word here. Mr. Day knows you know it.

Again, the economy of a few wavy lines give us the flood, which is half-way up the cartoon's composition. High time to turn the darn water off, you stupid plumber you.

The above cartoon reminds me that there is legislation pending in Maine to disallow kids from buying energy drinks.
From the book jacket:
"This is the first collection in book form of the cartoons of one of America's favorite humorists -- the impish maestro whose pictures of human folly range with high gusto over a such a wide variety of subjects. In The New Yorker, Collier's, The Saturday Evening Post and other magazines he has made his gay and impudent reputation as indispensable performer for the sophisticates of mockery. They never know what tricks he will be up to next, and he never fails to surprise. Laughter flows like champagne from his bright pen as he moves from absurdity to fantasy and from nonsense to satire. He is expert in his deflation of pomposity and he takes mischievous delight in sending his astonished characters tumbling head over heels down the toboggan slide that leads so swiftly from the sublime to the ridiculous."
Mike, My favorite cartoonist by far. Like Frank Lloyd Wright said: "less is more." Keep up the greatwork on your blog. Best, Don
Congrats to my vigilant Dad. He emailed me this morning and was the first person to find the typo in the plumber gag.
Don, thanks for the kind words.
These are great, Mike--thanks for sharing! And that cover is beautiful
Thanks, David. I'll post some more in the coming days.
These are excessively brilliant. And the ones above, too! Thanks.
Mike, I am Chon Day's granddaughter. His son Chip married my mom when I was two and raised me as his own. I have many original and unpublished cartoons by my grandfather and am interested in getting them appraised, but I have no idea how. Can you point me in the right direction? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks-Lisa Meister
Hi Lisa. Great to read that you have a lot of Mr. Day's originals. I'd love to chat with you. You are welcome to contact me privately: mike [at] mikelynchcartoons.com
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