How embarrassing.
Related: New Andertoons.com Launches Tomorrow
The complete story at the NY Times site today."When I was starting out in show business the thing I want most for New Year's Eve was a booking. If you were booked on New Year's Eve, it meant you were doing O.K.
"... But of all the New Year's Eves I've spent, the one I remember most was 1926. The previous Christmas Eve, Gracie had finally agreed to marry me. I don't think I'd ever felt as wonderful; there was something very special about feeling that I was really going to be booked for the rest of my life."
Klein museum gewijd aan cartoonist Ton Smits:"After the first cartoon in 1949 hundreds followed and were published in The New Yorker, The Saturday Evening Post, Collier's, Look, and This Week Magazine.
"Invited by The New Yorker Ton Smits visited The States for some months in 1955 and 1956. At that time he was the first cartoonist of the European Continent to have his cartoons printed in The New Yorker. With the money he earned in the first few years, he had a magnificent house and studio built at Eindhoven for his elderly mother and himself. For a long time he was a confirmed bachelor. Three years after his mother's death in 1970 - she lived to be 88 - he made up his mind to get married."
"How will Santa get into the house?Below is a clickable version of the cartoon that you can blow up nice and big:
"'From very early on you're told how it works and certainly by the time you're 21⁄2 or 3, you can be quizzed up and down, where does he live? How does he travel? How does he get in? So we all knew all the answers to those questions,' he said. 'But this was the first time I ever thought of how he's going to get through the heater grates.'"
"This is what satirists do in democratic societies" - editorial cartoonist Zapiro to Jacob Zuma (see second YouTube video below).