"We're Living In ... FUNNY TIMES" so says the header of each issue of the humor monthly.
The essence of humor is surprise. I know this because that's what Rob Petrie told Richie's class on Career Day. So, as a comedy writer I am trying to thwart your expectations. And that's not easy. We're all media saturated know-it-alls who've been there and LOLed at it.
One of the hardest thing to do when writing gags is throwing out the crummy ones. You really have to NOT fall in love with every little thing that comes out of your pencil. I come up with a lot writing, and a lot of it gets tossed. Knowing when an idea's stale or been done before is important. Most people and most editors have are smart and know a stale old cartoon when they see one.
Here is my cartoon, below, wherein heaven just does not work out; heaven isn't heaven at all.

"Okay, fine! So add to your list of mortal regrets that you didn't pay for elite check-in status."
If you are interested in cartooning, I still have some of my CARTOONING BASICS books for sale for $3.99 US delivery ($4.50 Canada, $5.00 rest of the world), and that includes an original sketch. I'll mail these out as soon as I'm back from the New York Comicon!
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