Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Mike Lynch Cartoon in November 30, 2010 WALL STREET JOURNAL

I have a cartoon about Twitter in today's Wall Street Journal. Above is the version that I mailed in.

Upon getting the OK, I received notes to make the fellow ("Jon Dailey") look more pleasant and make the "Never Tweeted and Proud of It" more bold. Above is a blow up of his face, and you can see the look of grim determination that Mr. Dailey has about never ever ever no way in God's green Earth is he EVER using Twitter on his puss. I was sorry to lose that look.

Here are the stats. It was a long journey to print, over a year, from conception to sale to print:

Rejected by Harvard Business Review, Reader's Digest, The New Yorker. It was held by the Wall Street Journal on December 30, 2009. They bought it February 10, 2010. It ran in the paper today, November 30, 2010.

And above is the redrawn published version. His face is more pleasant. I took out trees in the background in favor of making the monument (and lettering) larger. "Jon Dailey" was a name I plucked out of thin air. I don't know anyone by that name. I wanted it specific (no "John Smith") and not funny on its own (no "Og Ogleby"). Now, I bet I get contacted by a couple of Jon Daileys!


Rina said...

Great gag. For some reason the second one gives more of a "prideful" impression -- I think it's the giant letters filling the entire monument, or something. Nice!

John R. Platt said...

Love it -- glad the long journey to print is complete!

Ed Tucciarone said...

I'm glad to see that the Wall Street Journal was willing to work with you on the cartoon, instead of just rejecting it outright (which they very well could have). I know you regret losing the sour puss, but I think the final version was the stronger cartoon. It's always nice to see your stuff in print, isn't it...

Marsh said...

Love the cartoon and to hear the journey to print is wild.

Richard Blanco said...

Mike, you are the best.

Benita said...

Mike, I can see why they wanted bigger lettering, but the final is run so small. I love the first guy.