Above: Mort Walker writes and draws an adventure strip for Mad Magazine #89. Looks like he's channeling some Roy Crane here!
Okay, I need to talk about some old cartoonists! You know it's what we usually talk about. Here are some:

From left, counter clockwise (do you really need to know who these guys are?): Mell Lazarus, Mort Walker, Ken Ernst, Charles Schulz, Allen Saunders, and Walt Kelly.
In 1964, MAD Magazine asked top cartoonists to draw their "dream" comic strip for a feature article.
Chaos, obviously, ensued, in the 4 page feature titled "Comic Strips They'd Really Like To Do:"

They are all funny and intriguing, with Mell Lazarus' contribution maybe the most visually arresting. Here's a scan of the original art:

And below is Ernst and Saunders' version PEANUTS, complete with a MARY WORTH cameo:
These three pieces of original art were offered for sale by the Lewis Wayne Gallery in 2009.
I'm not associated with the Gallery. I just thought theses were some unique and (to me) unknown pieces of American cartoon art.
Interestingly, the Schulz piece, was not offered in that auction.
-- An edited version of a February 26, 2009 blog entry.