Monday, July 12, 2021

Documentary Film: American Caricature

Tom Richmond and C. F. Payne are among the caricaturists interviewed for "American Caricature," a 2020 feature documentary about drawing caricatures for a living.

"You’ve seen them in magazines, in cartoons, and at just about every densely populated tourist attraction in America. A professional caricature artist will manage not only to capture a person’s likeness, but amplify it - all while exaggerating, contorting, and stylizing the subject’s most prominent features. To some, they are souvenirs. Fleeting entertainment. To others, a powerful tool in their satirical arsenal. American Caricature showcases not only the art of caricature, but the subculture surrounding it. From animators, illustrators, cartoonists, and live sketch artists, you’ll hear in their own words what it is that brings them all together, both literally and figuratively. Drawing caricatures for a living is unconventional to say the least, and you’re invited to explore the the passion, the industry, and the community of caricature art in the United States. After all, drawing funny faces is a serious business! 

"Directors: Joe Ciomek and Tom Faraci 

"Starring: Joe Bluhm, Tom Richmond, Jason Seiler, C.F. Payne, Glenn Ferguson, Ali Thome, Len Hernandez, Rob Hren, Stacy Pierce, Dave Smith, Jared Stokes, Sean Evans, Mary Kay Williams, Ty Jones, Sean Gardner, Jeremy Townsend, Chris Chua, Natalie Hume, Emily Byrne, Kayla Archer, Nate Kapnicky, Tony Sobota, Beejay Hawn, and more!"


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