Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Free Live Online Panel Tonight: "The Triangle Panel: Convention Tabling Practices"


Cartoonist Chris Schweizer writes:

"Tuesday at 9pm eastern/8 central/7 mtn/6 pacific, I'll be joining Cara McGee (Over the Garden Wall, Black Canary) and David Petersen (Mouse Guard) for a free online panel about how we table at conventions: how we determine which shows to do, how much to take and how to display it, how to price what we're selling/doing, how we present ourselves, how we manage our sales, and more.

"If you are new to tabling at conventions (or are thinking about it), or if you're an old pro who's keen to hear how your peers approach something we all do, I hope you'll join us. We'll be taking questions throughout."


EDIT: The recording can be found here.

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