Friday, June 21, 2024

From the Dick Buchanan Files: Gag Cartoon Clichés 1944 - 1970 Part 1

Good ol' Dick Buchanan has pulled some golden age gag cartoon samples from his tremendous stock of magazines. What follows now and in the coming days is a trove of clichéd cartoons that the internet has never seen before. I am thankful and amazed at these samples Dick has put together for your pleasure. Most of these single panel cartoons have been unseen since their publication, for about a half a century.

Take it away, Dick!


1944 - 1970

Gag cartoon clichés were a staple of every magazine. In the era of the great magazines several appeared in each and every issue. Some were figments of imaginations of the cartooning mind while others were firmly rooted in the everyday lives of the readers.

Many lists have been made to innumerate the cartoon cliché. Each list differs and no list is complete. Gag cartoon clichés are virtually infinite and ever changing. Some have disappeared, falling victim to the evolving enlightenment of civilization while others have vanished with the advancement of technology.

Never one to pass up a time wasting endeavor, I have dipped in my Cartoon Clip File and emerged with a sampling of cartoon clichés from the mid-century.


1. IRWIN CAPLAN. Liberty September 9,1944.

2. TON SMITS. Look Magazine November 7,1961.

3. VIRGIL PARTCH. Look Magazine December 9, 1959.


1. FRANK MODELL. Collier’s November 23, 1956.

2. GARDNER REA. True Magazine March,1948.

3. JAN VAN WESSUM. Evergreen Review August 1970.


1. MISCHA RICHTER. For Laughing Out Loud July-September,1963.

2. ROY WILLIAMS. Collier’s September 18,1948

3. MIKE WILLIAMS. Punch August 28,1968.


1. JOHN GALLAGHER. American Legion Magazine. January,1960.

2. ROBERT KRAUS. American Magazine August,1951

3. ORLANDO BUSINO. For Laughing Out Loud October-December, 1957.


1. SYD HOFF. Collier’s January 21,1955.

2. DICK ERICSON. Liberty May 25,1946.

3. DON TOBIN. The Saturday Evening Post September 27,1952.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Robert Kinoshita, Robot Designer

Robert Kinoshita (1914 - 2014) is best known as the designer of the two best known robots in science fiction movies and TV: Robby the Robot from Forbidden Planet (1956) and "Robot" from the 1960s CBS TV show Lost in Space. Here are a few images.


Hat tip to Mack White for these images.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

LIFETIME LIVING Magazine November 1953

There used to be a lot of magazines. Here's a not well-known magazine from the 1950s titled LIFETIME LIVING. Take a look at these few scans. Seeing this art and cartoons in this mag makes me dislike all the more those photo-driven publications for sale today.

My thanks to my pal Adrian Sinnott (illustrator extraordinaire, leader of the Berndt Toast Gang, bon vivant) for sending these on.

Here's fellow Berndt Toast Gang member Art Cumings illustrating the "Easy Cooking for 2" article:

LIFETIME LIVING also had cartoons. Here's one my Ramon Henri:

Al Kaufman:


The prolific Harry Mace:

Pete Wyma:

Ed Lepper:

And a pause-and-look-at-all-those-figures illustration by the one and only Roy Doty:

Just a quick blast from a more illustrative past to cleanse your palate. See you soon.

Oh -- here's the back cover: a product tie-in with the Desi Arnaz and Lucille Ball movie THE LONG, LONG TRAILER:

-- Edited from an olde blog entry of July 5, 2012.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Stephen DeStefano on Artificial Intelligence


Cartoonist, graphic novelist, character designer for many clients (Netflix, Warner Brothers, DreamWorks, Nickelodeon, Sony, and on and on) Stephen DeStefano talks about AI (Artificial Intelligence) for Anomalia Labs on his Facebook page and I wanted to share it here. This is copyright 2024 by Stephen DeStefano.

"The fine folks at @anomalia_labs asked me to write an essay about my thoughts on AI. I can’t write good essays so I wrote a comic strip instead. If you’re going to be in Europe this August, perhaps consider taking my Anomalia workshop? We’ll be talking about character design, changing styles and all things cartoons. #aiart #ai #artificialintelligence #digitalart #comics #comicsoninstagram #comicstrip #cartoons #cartoon #animation #characterdesign"

Monday, June 17, 2024

The Garden As of June 15, 2024


The garden as of June 15, 2024. Some carrot “volunteers” that I’m keeping on. Otherwise, it’s zinnias in most of the raised beds and tomatoes and cucumbers on the side porch. Everything is green and growing fast.