Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Dik Browne’s Life That Way Party Line Comics Collected by IndyPlanet

Dik Browne didn't have to do Hagar the Horrible. He was a prolific advertising cartoonist for years before he made his comic strip debut. I am sure he was busy enough without adding a daily comic to his regimen. But good for him that we got Hagar! 

Here's a collection of all thirty advertising comic strips that Dik drew for the Chesapeake and Tacoma Telephone Company of Virginia. You can buy it from IndyPlanet:

"In the early 1950s, cartoonist Dik Browne, best known as the creator of Hagar the Horrible and as the original artist on Hi & Lois, drew Life’s That Way…, a series of six-panel comic strips to be used in ads for local telephone companies. These stories focused on teaching proper phone etiquette, particularly for users of party lines, when several households shared a single phone line."


1 comment:

Manqueman said...

Between J&C and Hagar, Browne was doing Hi and Lois IIRC as well as strip in Boy's Life. Not sure he was at J&C when he started Hagar, or if J&C was still in business.