Friday, July 26, 2024

"Everybody Loves The Comics" 1970s Display

Cleaning out my studio …

Here’s a promotional display package for comic strips in The Courier-Journal and The Louisville Times. It’s from about 1973 and features a strip and bio on each of its 16 pages. Strips include B.C., The Wizard of Id, Nancy, Beetle Bailey, Mary Worth, Gil Thorp, Wee Pals, Family Circus and others. Message me if interested. I have too much stuff in my studio!


Thursday, July 25, 2024

Score Reduction: Flight From Peru - Raiders of the Lost Ark

Here's an interesting YouTube channel -- and even twice as interesting if you can read music -- an analysis of some famous film scores. This time it's the "Escape from Peru" sequence by John Williams from the first Raiders of the Lost Ark movie. If you're like me, you've seen the movie and know the music. Here, the music is at the forefront, with the dialogue track diminished and a visual showing the notes as we watch the scene. Just gives you an idea of the amount of work it takes to get a motion picture made. And, of course, it makes me want to watch the movie again. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

From the Dick Buchanan Files: Magazine Gag Cartoons 1947 - 1965

Crazy politics, crazy weather, crazy airplanes not flying because of a computer update -- you know how it goes. The list goes on and on. It's too much and you need a respite. Here's the Cartoon Clip File Curator Dick Buchanan with an excellent diversion: twenty-two midcentury magazine cartoons. We need it! Thanks and take it away, Dick!


(Magazine Gag Cartoons 1947 - 1965)

GAHAN WILSON. For Laughing Out Loud April – June, 1963.


GARDNER REA. For Laughing Out Loud July – September, 1964.


ERNEST MARQUEZ. Here! March, 1952.


JACK TIPPIT. The Saturday Evening Post August 2, 1964.


GEORGE WOLFE. 1000 Jokes Magazine Summer, 1951.


MORT WALKER. The Saturday Evening Post January 8, 1949.


VIRGIL PARTCH. True Magazine. October, 1958.


GEORGE SMITH. American Legion Magazine November, 1950.


TOM HUDSON. This Week Magazine August 14, 1949.


L.H. SIGGS. Punch, July 16, 1958.


DON OREHEK. For Laughing Out Loud January – March, 1965.


DICK CAVALLI. The Saturday Evening Post February 26, 1955.


GEORGE RECKAS. Collier’s April 18, 1953.




ERIC BURGIN. Punch April 28, 1954.


SALO ROTH. The Saturday Evening Post July 25, 1953.


DANA FRADON. 1000 Jokes Magazine December – February, 1956.


MELL LAZARUS. Here! November, 1951.


BOB SCHROETER. Collier’s November 7, 1953.


CHARLES PEARSON. True Magazine July, 1947.


SMILBY. Punch February 4, 1953.


SIDNEY HARRIS. For Laughing Out Loud January – March, 1965.


Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Liza Donnelly's WOMEN LAUGHING Documentary Fundraiser


Liza Donnelly has a Kickstarter for a new documentary project titled WOMEN LAUGHING, which will look at the female cartoonists who have been part of The New Yorker since 1925. Here's Liza:

The times we live in now are not funny. In my work as a writer and cartoonist, I try to mix the serious and the funny because not only is it easier to take the tough stuff when it’s delivered with humor, it can be more effective.
I am producing and directing a documentary that combines these elements. Called WOMEN LAUGHING, it's about the women cartoonists of The New Yorker, past and present. The movie shines light on what their work tells us, and how some very creative women have persevered against so many odds. And still do.
Laughter makes us feel better and it helps us see.
I have been studying women cartoonists for decades, and have found they are a diverse group. They create all types of cartoons — overtly political and slice-of-life. Cartoons tell us so much about who we are as a society and since we have historically not heard from women creators, these artists bring new ideas, new experiences and new funny. They help us see differently.
I find this fascinating. I want more people to see and hear these women’s stories — those from the past and the present. When I wrote my book in 2022, Very Funny Ladies, I discovered there were women cartoonists in the 1920’s in the very first issue of The New Yorker magazine! There weren’t many in comparison to their male counterparts, but they were there. Now the numbers are equal.
It’s not just about the numbers, it’s also about what they said and drew in their very funny drawings. They showed us their lives, and still do.
The Women Laughing Team launched a kickstarter to help fund the documentary, we are very excited! For the film, which we will begin shooting this summer, I will be working with Kathleen Hughes, a three time Emmy-award winning filmmaker, whose most recent films include THE AMERICAN DREAM AND OTHER FAIRY TALES with Abigail Disney, and TWO AMERICAN FAMILIES with Bill Moyers, as well as with producer Judith Mizrachy whose recent films include the BOOKSELLERS, UNCROPPED, and the Oscar-nominated THE MARTHA MITCHELL EFFECT. Combined, our team has deep knowledge and passion for telling these women’s stories.
We are excited to tell these women's stories, shine a light on them and what creativity can help us understand about our humanity. They make us laugh so much, but they also allow us see ourselves better.
The New Yorker is celebrating its 100th birthday in 2025, and we want to premier this film next year, and celebrate these amazing women, along with the magazine that has always been a showcase for visual humor.
We hope you will join us in helping us make this film. Our crowd funding campaign is well under way, but we need your help. Consider a donation, and take a look at all our wonderful gifts. Thank you.

Drawing below by Barbara Shermund, 1926.
WOMEN LAUGHING has (as of today) seven more days that people can contribute. This is an all-or-nothing campaign. The project must meets its $50,000 goal for it to go forward.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Joe Biden Stands Down, Endorses Vice President Kamala Harris for Presidential Nomination


Time Magazine's cover was released hours after the news that Biden would drop out of the race. 


Joe Biden dropped out yesterday. I was browsing a bookstore that had a coffee shop where people sat and looked at their phones. It was a quiet day in coastal New England. The weather was sunny and not a lot of people wanted to be inside. I was a pretty good distance away from the coffee shop area when I heard a woman shout, "Biden's out!" I looked. She and her friend were furiously scrolling on their phones. I stopped and then took out my phone and started looking at Twitter, and then the New York Times to confirm. 


Some time between that afternoon and watching coverage on TV, Time Magazine released its cover, which, of course, went viral on social media. Rachel Maddow on NBC sounded giddy. "Harris will beat Trump," she said assuredly. I had mixed feelings. I knew Biden did something that only a great man could do: give up power; put country before ego. I also believe that this will energize the Democratic Party like nothing else. And the Republicans are angry.

This is a moment in history and it's scary and unprecedented and exciting for, I hope, good reasons. But that's just my take. Here's someone more qualified:

Historian and author Heather Cox Richardson writes about history and politics in her daily substack, "Letters from an American." I like her take and you can subscribe at the link if you would like her essays in your in box every morning. Here is today's column:


“My Fellow Americans,

“Over the past three and a half years, we have made great progress as a Nation.

“Today, America has the strongest economy in the world. We’ve made historic investments in rebuilding our Nation, in lowering prescription drug costs for seniors, and in expanding affordable health care to a record number of Americans. We’ve provided critically needed care to a million veterans exposed to toxic substances. Passed the first gun safety law in 30 years.

“Appointed the first African American woman to the Supreme Court. And passed the most significant climate legislation in the history of the world. America has never been better positioned to lead than we are today.

“I know none of this could have been done without you, the American people. Together, we overcame a once in a century pandemic and the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. We’ve protected and preserved our Democracy. And we’ve revitalized and strengthened our alliances around the world.

“It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your President. And while it has been my intention to seek reelection, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term.

“I will speak to the Nation later this week in more detail about my decision.

“For now, let me express my deepest gratitude to all those who have worked so hard to see me reelected. I want to thank Vice President Kamala Harris for being an extraordinary partner in all this work. And let me express my heartfelt appreciation to the American people for the faith and trust you have placed in me.

“I believe today what I always have: that there is nothing America can’t do—when we do it together. We just have to remember we are the United States of America.”

With this letter, posted on X this afternoon, President Joe Biden announced he would not accept the Democratic nomination for president. So ended the storyline begun after the event on June 27, when Biden appeared unable to respond effectively to Trump’s verbal assaults. Since then, there has been a drumbeat of media stories and some demands from Democratic lawmakers and donors calling for Biden to step aside and refuse to run for a second term. Increasingly, that drumbeat imperiled his reelection, opening the way for Trump’s election to install a dictatorship of Christian nationalism.

In another post shortly after the first, Biden endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris for the presidential nomination, writing: “My fellow Democrats, I have decided not to accept the nomination and to focus all my energies on my duties as President for the remainder of my term. My very first decision as the party nominee in 2020 was to pick Kamala Harris as my Vice President. And it’s been the best decision I’ve made. Today I want to offer my full support and endorsement for Kamala to be the nominee of our party this year. Democrats—it’s time to come together and beat Trump. Let’s do this.”

Harris smoothly took the baton. “On behalf of the American people, I thank Joe Biden for his extraordinary leadership as President of the United States and for his decades of service to our country,” she wrote. “His remarkable legacy of accomplishment is unmatched in modern American history, surpassing the legacy of many Presidents who have served two terms in office.

“It is a profound honor to serve as his Vice President, and I am deeply grateful to the President, Dr. Biden, and the entire Biden family. I first came to know President Biden through his son Beau. We were friends from our days working together as Attorneys General of our home states. As we worked together, Beau would tell me stories about his Dad. The kind of father—and the kind of man—he was. And the qualities Beau revered in his father are the same qualities, the same values, I have seen every single day in Joe’s leadership as President: His honesty and integrity. His big heart and commitment to his faith and his family. And his love of our country and the American people.

“With this selfless and patriotic act, President Biden is doing what he has done throughout his life of service: putting the American people and our country above everything else.

“I am honored to have the President’s endorsement and my intention is to earn and win this nomination. Over the past year, I have traveled across the country, talking with Americans about the clear choice in this momentous election. And that is what I will continue to do in the days and weeks ahead. I will do everything in my power to unite the Democratic Party—and unite our nation—to defeat Donald Trump and his extreme Project 2025 agenda. 

“We have 107 days until Election Day. Together, we will fight. And together, we will win.”

Biden’s announcement ended the month of suspense under which the Democrats have lived, and in the hours since, they appear to be coalescing around Harris with enthusiasm. Those who might have challenged her nomination have stepped up to support her: California governor Gavin Newsom, Pennsylvania governor Josh Shapiro, North Carolina governor Roy Cooper, and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg all backed Harris; Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer said she does not intend to challenge Harris. By tonight, all of the state Democratic Party chairs were on board with Harris. Endorsements continued to pour in. 

So did money. Following Biden’s endorsement of Harris, donors contributed more than $46.7 million to Democratic races before 9:00 p.m., and major donors, who had paused donations to Biden, have said they will contribute to Harris’s campaign. The Biden-Harris team also managed the paperwork to transfer the $95 million in Biden’s campaign coffers to Harris because the money was raised for the ticket, rather than for Biden alone. 

But party rules say that Biden cannot pass his delegates to another candidate, so Harris will have to cement them on her own, as well as the superdelegates, a group of party leaders and former elected officials whose votes carry weight in the convention. As of 10 p.m. on Sunday, she had won 531 of the 1,986 delegates necessary to win the nomination. 

Biden’s decision has left the Republicans in deep trouble, and they are illustrating their dilemma with high-pitched anger that the ticket of their opponents has changed and by insisting that if Biden is not fit for another four-year term he must resign the presidency immediately. House speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) has said he will sue to try to keep Biden in the race; Democratic election litigator Marc Elias responded that “if your lawyers are telling you that they can prevent the D[emocratic] N[ational] C[ommittee] from nominating its candidate of choice, they are idiots. I know a lot about that, since I beat them more than 60x in court after the 2020 election.”

Trump, meanwhile, has posted seven times about Biden since he dropped out of the race. He has ignored Harris. 

The Republicans’ anger reflects that fact that if Biden is off the ticket, they are in yet another pickle. Just last week, the Republicans nominated Donald Trump, who is 78, for president. Having made age their central complaint about Biden, they are now faced with having nominated the oldest candidate in U.S. history, who repeatedly fell asleep at his own nominating convention as well as his criminal trial, who often fumbles words, and who cannot seem to keep a coherent train of thought. Democrats immediately pounced on Trump with all the comments Republicans had been making about Biden. Republicans have already suggested that Trump will not debate Harris, a former prosecutor. 

With 39-year-old Ohio senator J.D. Vance now their vice presidential nominee, it will be tempting for Republicans to push Trump out of the presidential slot. But aside from the fury that would evoke from Trump loyalists, it would further alienate women from the Republican ticket. Republicans were already losing voters over their overturning of the Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that recognized the constitutional right to abortion, so many that Trump has recently tried to sound as if he is moderating his stance on abortion and to appeal to women in other ways. Just this weekend at a rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Trump appeared to be courting suburban women by promising to “stop the plunder, rape, slaughter and destruction of our American suburbs and cities” he implied had taken place under Biden. (In fact, violent crime has decreased significantly since 2020.)

Vance is an extremist who supports a national abortion ban, has said he does not believe in exceptions for rape or incest in abortion bans, and has praised women who stay in abusive marriages. 

Biden’s decision not to accept the Democratic presidential nomination has created yet another conspicuous contrast with Trump. Thanks for a job well done and praise for his statesmanship have been pouring out ever since Biden made his announcement—indeed, they have apparently convinced some people that he has stepped down from the job altogether, while in fact he will remain the president for another six months.

Among others, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin called Biden “an extraordinary guardian of America’s national security,” thanked him for his leadership and statesmanship, and called him “one of our great foreign-policy presidents.” President Lyndon B. Johnson’s daughters called him “a patriot without peer” and said, “we love you and thank you for your selfless service to all who love democracy, social justice and the rule of law.” 

For all the accolades, though, it is likely that the one the family-oriented president values most came from his son Hunter, whom the Republicans hammered for years as a proxy for his father.

“For my entire life, I’ve looked at my dad in awe,” the younger Biden wrote. “How could he suffer so much heartache and yet give so much of whatever remained of his heart to others? Not only in the policies he passed, but in the individual lives he’s touched…. That unconditional love has been his North Star as a President, and as a parent. He is unique in public life today in that there is no distance between Joe Biden the man and Joe Biden the public servant of the last 54 years. I’m so lucky every night I get to tell him I love him, and to thank him. I ask all Americans to join me tonight in doing the same.” 

In a time of dictators, Trump tried to overthrow the results of the 2020 presidential election and install himself in power against the wishes of the people. President Joe Biden voluntarily turned away from reelection in order to give the people a better shot at preserving our democracy. 

He demonstrated what it means to put the country first.



















Friday, July 19, 2024

GORDON'S JET FLIGHT Illustrations by Mel Crawford

Today, we look at traveling the skies of 1961 -- when flying in a plane was something that you got dressed up to do. Here is GORDON'S JET FLIGHT, a Little Golden Activity Book, by Naomi J. Glasson, with pictures by Mel Crawford. Golden Press, New York, 1961.


Above, this is the way it used to be: you walk off the jet, onto the tarmac, waving like you're on an old newsreel. I note that Gordon's flight did not have any people of color aboard.



Above, you can see that the "authentic 707 Astrojet* to punch out and assemble" was long since torn out, played with and lost; thereby destroying the collectability of the book! And, yes, gentle blog reader, you guessed correctly: this is our title character, dressed as a corporate businessman, looking up at the 707 Astrojet.


"This Little Golden Book is for every boy and girl who wants to know what it's like to travel by 'jet.' The story and pictures were carefully checked by one of out leading airlines." Aha! Corporate propaganda!


Uh ... so where is Homeland Security and the X-ray machines?

"There was a blue truck with oil, and an orange truck with cargo. A green truck brought water for the passengers to drink." I hope those silly workers don't get the trucks mixed up! Good thing they're union!


It's creepy that Dad and son are wearing the same Van Heusen overcoat. Later on, and creepier still: we see that Gordon's blue blazer sports a prissy little crest over its pocket.


Here is an opportunity for a "B" story: what is Daddy doing while he stays home? That would have been intriguing. Perhaps a torrid affair with one of the union ground crew? Ahh, that story, alas, would never be told. At least not in a Little Golden Book.


And here is, what they call in movies, the beauty shot of that Astrojet.*


Everything looks so spacious and everyone is so happy. Gordon pushes his chair back, and experiences real Astrobus* comfort. Of course, the poor slob seated behind Gordon gets his G&T spilled in the process, natch.


Gordon looks at the train, far, far below. "Only little people take the train, Mummy!"

Please note how he delegates the responsibility of amusing himself by ordering his mother to get a magazine for him.


My frame of reference for the above picture on the left is, of course, Peter Graves as the pilot in the movie AIRPLANE! (1980) who incessantly asks the little boy visiting their cockpit if he likes "gladiator movies."

On the facing page, our well-fed, well-dressed, over-privileged title character is given a "pilot's ring." A ring? I guess it's that other airline that passes out those pins.


The airplane appears to be emitting some kind of transmat anti-particle beam from its fuselage. At least that's what's Geordi LaForge, in his best technobabble, might remark upon seeing this picture.

Illustrator Mel Crawford, who worked for Disney, passed away in 2015. His Lambiek page has bio information.

*Service Mark of American Airlines, Inc.

 -- This has been an edited version of a blog entry that originally appeared on October 8, 2007 and I am writing this as flights around the world are grounded today due to a Microsoft glitch.