Friday, December 20, 2019

History of Comics Class at the Institute of Art and Design at New England College

I've been teaching this class.

And here are a few pics from this Tuesday’s History of Comics class at the Institute of Art and Design at New England College. The last class! Sob! I got help from one of the students in getting a selfie. (Thank you, Rose!)

There are a couple of “happy” pics, and then I asked them to act like choosing to be a cartoonist was a big, shameful mistake. They hammed it up nicely, as you can see.

I had a good time creating the course for NEC, and then teaching the class this past semester. Really, my one fear would be that I wouldn't like the students. That was unfounded. These are some great kids. Lotsa talent, lotsa heart.

My thanks to Karen Hillson, Ph.D., Director, Liberal Arts Education, for hiring me. And a big thank you to Jim Salicrup and Brian Fies for speaking to the class. And an even bigger thanks to John Klossner for recommending I teach the class in the first place.

Happy pics:

The "Uh oh, I am making a big mistake with my life" photo:

They know more about aiming a camera for a selfie than I ever will.

Thank you, Rose. 

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