Friday, September 13, 2024

Will There Be a Blog?

Internet issues today. I have had them for months. I'm only able to post this through the Bluetooth on my phone. This is not good, and, yes, everything has been redone here: new wiring, new router, brought in new lines to the house. I feel like giving up. I was on the phone with my local internet company for a half hour this morning after an hour of outages; on, off, on, off, etc. The rep said that that had not happened according to what he could see and everything was fine. And so I told him that if what he is seeing is the opposite of what I am seeing, then we are at an impasse. 

Good weekend, regardless.

1 comment:

sarusa said...

Ugh, having serious problems and having the bored person on the other end (who doesn't care and just wants to get back to doomscrolling tiktok) tell you they don't see anything wrong is just the worst. If you care enough, you might need to escalate to someone who actually gets paid to care, but either way I feel your pain Mike, and good luck!