Monday, February 10, 2025

Video: "John Nesbitt's Passing Parade: 'People on Paper'" 1945

Here's a 1945 MGM one-reeler documentary short featuring classic syndicated newspaper cartoonists.

This edition of John Nesbitt's "Passing Parade" series, released to theaters on November 17th, 1945 by MGM Studios, features classic newspaper cartoonists in action:

H.H. Knerr (Katzenjammer Kids),

Bud Fisher (Mutt and Jeff),

Fred Lasswell (Barney Google and Snuffy Smith),

Frank King (Gasoline Alley),

Chester Gould (Dick Tracy),

Dick Calkins (Buck Rogers in the 25th Century),

Milton Caniff (Terry and the Pirates),

Chic Young (Blondie),

Raeburn Van Buren (Abbie an' Slats),

Ham Fisher (Joe Palooka),

Hal Foster (Prince Valiant),

Harold Gray (Little Orphan Annie),

and Al Capp (Li'l Abner).

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