Makes me wonder if this is going to be like Lynn Johnston's upcoming FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE hybrid strip this fall -- with the Patterson family reminiscing. Maybe Shatner & Nimoy will be sitting around saying, "Remember our first meeting at Starfleet Academy? It seems like yesterday .... " Dissolve to dashing young actor (rumor: Matt Damon) playing a young Kirk.
It sounds scary to me.
1 comment:
Y'know, as a 40-year Trekkie I should be the ideal audience for this movie, but nothing I've heard so far leaves me itching to see it. Maybe I just haven't heard enough... or maybe it's not a good idea. If *I'm* not eagerly anticipating it, I can't imagine how they expect the general public to buy $100 million worth of tickets.
I'd be delighted if they'd find a way to undo Kirk's ignominious death, though. Shouldn't be too hard: time has no meaning in the Nexus, right?
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