It's a tower of Schulz!
"Sparky Talks Shop" is from a 1994 NCS comics industry publication. It's a transcription of a speech. Maybe it's in print in the CHARLES SCHULZ INTERVIEWS book, which I foolishly loaned out and may never see again. I just don't know. It was new to me.
Mr. Schulz spoke about cartooning as a career, and touched on the now near-forgotten greats Roy Crane and Percy Crosby. I only have a clickable scan of the article. There's a second part that's alluded to and I don't know if it was ever published.
Percy Crosby was one of the best ever cartoonists. I can only hope that one day there will be a series of books collecting Mr. Crosby's SKIPPY. One of the absolute pleasures in my life has been in knowing his daughter Joan, who maintains the ownership to the character. There's a lot to see at the SKIPPY site which she maintains.