Cartoonist Raina Telgemeier is interviewed by Alex Dueben over at ComicBookResources.com.
They talks about her influences, her BABYSITTERS CLUB series of graphic novels, X-MEN, her new graphic novel SMILE and other things going on in her career.
"The first comics I read were in the newspaper. I was in third or fourth grade when I started reading them daily. Before that, I was big into animated cartoons and movies, and I read tons of illustrated books as a kid. Comics were a natural extension of those interests. I bought the bound collections of all my favorite strips as they came out, and read and re-read them, studying the language and the timing and the format. 'Calvin and Hobbes' is funny when you’re nine, but gets even better as you learn what all those words mean."
Her work's pretty good, even though I loath the babysitters club.
She's one of the busiest people in comics, Nick. At least with the new project, she'll get to see more of her husband since they're working together!
Raina's the best. Very talented, and one of the nicest people currently drawing breath on the planet. Thanks for the pointer, Mike.
Good for her! Go get 'em Raina!
Yeah, she is very talented. I'll have to pick up some of her work. I love the style.
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