Wow! This is the 3500th posting here.*
Toot! Toot! I am blowing my own horn.
Thanks for peeking in.
I was going to end the blog four years ago, you know. I was moving out of NYC and going to live in the foothills of the White Mountains. But that plan did not work out. I always had a couple more things to share. And you guys out there have been so attentive to the cartoony goings on here. The traffic keeps going up and up.
My thanks to my inky pal Mark Anderson for suggesting I start a nutty ol' blog way back in 2005 and to the one and only Jim Salicrup, who was one of my very first readers and commenters.
And thanks to all of you out there who make this blog part of your day. You guys are great.
*This doesn't count 2006-07 when I was blogging at MySpace.
Thank YOU Mike... your blog is good for many things: news and a good laugh helps many a day go by better after checking in.
Congrats, Mike. Here's to another 3500!
Holey kamoley! That's amazing!
My only suggestion would be more LEGO related content.
I remember when you started, back in Brooklyn! Amazing! Congrats, Mike!
There's always something fascinating being shared here, Mike...thanks for it all! And congrats.
As totally arbitrary milestones go, that's as good as any and better than most. What perseverance! It's almost as if you have experience sitting down in front of a blank page and creating something new every day.
Wow! Here's to the next 3500...
Congrats, Mike! A great job. Always a pleasure to come by here and learn/see something new!
Wow! It seems like just yesterday you were publishing your 3499th post.
Congrats on your Reader's Digest toon in the November issue.
I like it.
Yeah, Mike!
If I could ask for anything, I'd say I'd love more reporting on the NCS stuff you do. Always love that stuff.
Whoo-eee, you're a bloggin' fiend!
There's not a day goes by without me checking in. I came for the writing, and drawing, about comics, but absolutely enjoy all the other tangential stuff. Usually I don't get to your blog 'til the end of the day, and what a pleasant, fun read it is before drifting off. Keep up the good work; you're appreciated!
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