Monday, September 30, 2013

"Mollies Dream" by Jenia Miller

"Mollie's Dream" by Jenia Miller was a continuing feature in Jack and Jill Magazine. It was a full page, wordless story of a little girl, Mollie, who would fall asleep within the first couple of panels and have an adventurous dream.

Most dreams involve anthropomorphic animal friends who either assist her or bungle things up and need rescuing. Each page had fifteen panels, so the stories/dreams could get quite involved.

At the end, she would wake up, a bit perplexed, with this Jack-O-Lantern smile in the final panel:

There is scant information on Jania Miller. One site claims she is a fashion illustrator and designer. Regardless, her feature is not represented on the web, until now. Here are some of the Mollie's Dream pages, from 1944 to 1948. It's copyright Curtis Publishing.

1 comment:

Andyk said...

I own orignail storyboards to this comic. Contact me if you would like to see them.