Tuesday, May 12, 2020

CovidComics: "For those who are quarantined with their partners: what's the most ridiculous thing you've wanted to yell at your partner in this crisis?"

Just for fun, I illustrated a series of tweets that started with the writer Ijeoma Oluo (@IjeomaOluo) asking her Twitter followers,

"For those who are quarantined with their partners: what's the most ridiculous thing you've wanted to yell at your partner in this crisis?"

And she added: "Mine is: 'I HATE HOW YOU MAKE TOAST'"

Springboarding from her example, many people offered their own. Here are some of the real tweets with some of my drawings.

#shelterinplace #lockdownlife #goingstircrazy #iloveyouBUT #covid19 #coronavirus #covidlife #covidcomics #mikelynchcartoons

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