Wednesday, November 16, 2022

George Booth Links from The New York Times, The New Yorker and Hogan's Alley

George Booth, who passed away earlier this month, has a wonderful obituary in the New York Times. Take a look. And here's a photo of the printed page. You can see it takes up three quarters of the page and there are four graphics. Wonderful coverage.

New Yorker Cartoon Editor Emma Allen remembers George in its November 14, 2022 issue here

Hogan's Alley Publisher/Editor Tom Heintjes has released my interview with George from behind its paywall. Thank you, Tom! 

Here's a snippet from that interview:

Lynch: Were you using a dip pen or brush? Or whatever you had?

Booth: I was using a croquil writing point, an old-fashioned thing. The thin point and a bottle of India ink. But I also had a photography department down the hallway, who was greatly cooperative. It was run by the man who was the original photographer of the original flag raising on Iwo Jima. But he didn’t get credit for it because a guy came along and set it up again like the famous picture and statue.

Lynch: That’s not right.

Booth: Glory is short-lived sometimes.

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