Above: National Cartoonists Society Division Award nominee for Magazine Illustration Daryll Collins (Thanks Daryll!) tries his hand at solving our three comic strips. Details below:
As you may remember, I posted three comic strips without a final panel.
The alligator strip:

Astronaut strip:

For the Rapunzel strip: our man gets to the top, only to be confronted with Rapunzel's dang answering machine!

Above: Rapunzel plummets, taking out our protagonist in the process!

Above: for the alligator strip, the trusting tooth-cleaning bird is chomped to death, feathers flying, and a second evil little bird has appeared above, sprinkling even more condiments.
I thought they were all great, and, just look: all of the guys stayed on model. Now let's look in on some pros and amateurs from across the Web who also played:

Above: Dan Beyer with a confused bird!

Above: Dan Beyer once more, with a biiiig surprise for the Rapunzel strip. This one made me laugh out loud!

Above: Ray Betancourt goes where no man wants to go. Look at the crooked mouth and big eyes on the guy. He's gonna hurl! This made me laugh out loud and also gross out a wee bit.

My thanks to all who participated, pro or student or wannabe, for taking a moment out of their lives last week to play. I was really touched when you emails came in. Thanks!!!
Mike --
What a rich set of panels... I think Daryll Collins' three panels together make for a pretty action-packed strip in their own right!
-- Marek
Thanks for posting those! That Pez one takes the cake! DANG!
Also... woof! Woof woof!
Thanks for posting, Mike.
It was fun to participate.
Fun stuff. The kids in your class are lucky to have you.
Glad you liked it Mike and thanks for the link!
My thanks to all of you guys who took the time to participate. I've gotten so many nice comments, on the blog, as well as in the ol' personal email. Let me tell ya, cartoonists is the greatest people there is!
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