This is the second post with cartoons scanned from HONEY I'M HOME! ("Hundreds of Jokes -- And the Jokes are on Everybody! Mirthful, Uproarious -- A cartoonist's-eye view of men and women in their frankest and funniest moments --"), a Bantam Books paperback edited by Marione R. Nickles, copyright 1954 by E.P. Dutton and Company, Inc. Part One is here.

Above: a silly wife/hubby gag from Hank Baeb. I admire how clearly he draws the tools and the board with the holes. The fellow has obviously come down the steps, disturbed from after-work newspaper reading by the sound of the Mrs. drilling hole after hole. Expertly telegraphed gag cartoon!

You can see a photo of Gus Lundberg courtesy of Eli Stein, as well as a gaggle of other magazine cartoonists, here.

Above: one of the universal laws of being a parent. Charles Skiles' cartoon works then as well as now.

I like the father's nightshirt and slippers. Does anyone wear those any more? I don't know how, but Lundquist is able to make those inky swirls on the carpet without them taking over the composition of the cartoon.

I can't tell if Interlandi's cop is entranced by the lying, pretty young woman or relaxing while she tells her story. I think he may let this woman off.

Jim Whiting proves that there is no new history, just the history you don't know. People are still getting the big screens, of course, but it's so they can watch SAW III or I KNOW WHO KILLED ME or other such drek.

Harry Mace's cartoon made me laugh. I really like the knowledge behind his drawing. The top and bottom angles of the fence, with its subtle angle toward the vanishing point, along with the complementary angle of the lawnmower, as well as the matched juxtaposition of the small figure in the middleground (wife who's egging it on) and the larger figure (angry mowing hubby) in the foreground, combine in correct perspective to give us a sense of depth.

Vahan Shirvanian's cartoon shows us that a lot of little ink lines can telegraph a good wordless gag.

The above Stan Hunt gag I like very much, but I get a strong sense of deja vu here. I've seen this gag before ... Hmm ....
Oh, it was reprinted in the paperback FOREVER FUNNY edited by Bill Yates and was featured right here on this blog on March 25, 2008.
Some excellent examples of economy of line. Thank you for pointing out some of the details I would have overlooked.
Hey Mike!
Love what you're doing here. And love your demonstration of perspective in a seemingly simple cartoon. It's time people learned there's more going on in these unassuming little panels than what they realized! They must start thinking inside the box!
In other news, when and why did you move to New Hampshire?
I love the lion one.
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