This is a wonderful time to be a cartoonist. There is so much information out there, you can't help but be optimistic that despite all the changes in traditional ways the public receives its media, one thing is constant: people love cartoons.
They do. They love 'em.
And if you want to cartoon for a living, it's easier than ever to find out how to tell a story, how to deal with drawing challenges, how to create a successful feature, how to sell, how to deal with rejection, and so on.
Last week, my pal Brian Fies was on the Words & Pictures Podcast. He talked about a lot of topics, about his Eisner Award winning graphic novel MOM'S CANCER and his new graphic novel WHATEVER HAPPENED TO THE WORLD OF TOMORROW? Brian shares his views on writing, and the creating a character driven narrative. It's a lot drawing and a lot of writing!
My thanks to Brian for this candid look at his process.
P.S. This is my 1,701st blog posting here on Blogger and it's my nerdlicious honor to spotlight my fellow Trekker Brian!

You're the best, Mike. Otis Frampton is a good guy and fun to talk comics with, I just tried not to be a boring guest.
Congratulations on reaching 1701; may you blog long enough to celebrate your Voyager milestone (74656--and yeah, I had to look it up).
I agree with you, Mike.
We never had so much infos and feed-backs like nowadays.
In time, the french comics creator Claude MOliterni is died, did you know?
I've posted a hommage here:
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