Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Bud Blake Drawings for The NewsTime Fun Time Book (1964) Part 2


Here are some more rarely seen spot illustrations for The NewsTime Fun Time Book from Scholastic. It was edited by Elvira Donahue and is copyright 1964.The drawings are by the great Bud Blake. This is the second dip into the book. The first part is here

A couple of puzzlers. Do you need the answers?

Some "Swifties" or "Tom Swifties," which are fun.

Click out to embiggen these gatefolds ....


 Need help with the puzzlers?


2. Two Painters Answer:

The painter who complained that the room was too hot was working on the ceiling. Warm air rises, making the upper part of the room hotter than the lower part. 

4. Three Men Who Cannot Swim Answer:

First, the two 100-pound men cross the stream on the raft. Then one of them returns. The 200-pound man takes the raft to the opposite shore. The second 100-pound mane returns, picks up the first 100-pound man, and both cross to the far side.

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