Friday, August 02, 2024

Cartoonstock: Some of My Cartoons That Have Sold Recently


What cartoons of mine are selling? In addition to some other markets, here are some recent sellers from Cartoonstock. Cartoonstock is a service where anyone can search for cartoons and purchase them for use. There are a lot of businesses (profit and nonprofit, here and abroad) that buy for a lot of reasons. I believe the above "Happy Mother's Day! I spelled out your name in toast!" cartoon was purchased by a UK client since it was Mother's Day there recently. It's nice to see this. The cartoon was part of a batch of cartoons about Mother's Day that I drew up for The New York Daily News (Back when the News bought local cartoons.) and it was not chosen by the them back in the day. I saved it and put it up over at Cartoonstock some time back. Good to see someone else thought it was funny and made a good point. 

I have always been technologically behind the cutting edge. I buy refurbished tech most of the time. Hey, it's cheaper. But this fellow is the slowest adapter ever. 

Honor among businessmen who don't like to pay taxes. 

"How nice of you to notice I need a new god."

 There used to be people who handed out religious publications at the subways, usually at Grand Central and Times Square. I don't know if that's the case these days. 



I remember I had this cartoon in a batch at The New Yorker offices. At this point, I knew most everyone who showed up on Look Day to show their cartoons to the cartoon editor. The usual crowd was there, milling around, waiting to have a brief one-on-one with the cartoon editor. Sam Gross, Sid Harris, David Sipress, and Gahan Wilson were there, among others. So, somehow, Gahan Wilson heard of this cartoon and/or looked at it in my batch that day and liked it and a whole conversation started in the cartoonists' waiting room (just a closet, really) and Gahan was laughing as he told all the other cartoonists that they should all draw up ten Rapunzel cartoons next week and drive the cartoon editor crazy with nothing but Rapunzel cartoon after Rapunzel cartoon. The New Yorker did not buy this cartoon, by the way. 

"Incentive plan? Your paycheck clears. How's that for incentive?"


Or, as Don Draper said to Peggy Olsen on Mad Men when she complained that he never praised her good work, "THAT'S WHAT THE MONEY'S FOR!" This grim cartoon originally appeared in Reader's Digest. 


 I once had a boss who was bald and I tend to draw him up as a boss character more often than not. 



See? Another bald boss. And telling his underling to put a little lipstick on a pig of a conceit. I think this was first in a Reader's Digest book. More grim businessmen. 

"You can't blame all your team's failures on a big rock from the sky."


We all need excuses, and I figure a meteor destroying everyone and everything you know is a pretty damn spectacular excuse. But not according to these businessmen.

A military cartoon that's kinda silly that was rejected until now. 

This one is a perennial, and has sold a number of times. It was first seen in Barron's.

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